Speech of IUCN President Zhang Xinsheng at the IUCN Local Action Summit

Speech of IUCN President Zhang Xinsheng at the IUCN Local Action Summit

The IUCN Local Action Summit took place on 3 September 2021—the opening day of the IUCN World Conservation Congress—in Marseille, France. Leaders convened to showcase and galvanise conservation efforts in cities and regions, make the case for a nature-based recovery to COVID-19, and announce ambitious action pledges for nature. Here follows the transcribed speech of IUCN President Zhang Xingsheng.

Ladies, gentlemen, distinguished guests, it is my honour to address you today as the [outgoing] President of IUCN. I regret that I cannot be with you in person in Marseille but am certainly with you in spirit.

I would like to begin by thanking the IUCN Urban Alliance and Summit Programme Committee for organising this important event—the inaugural IUCN Local Action Summit. I would also like to thank our co-hosts—the City of Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, Region Sud and the Government of France—for their warm welcome. And, of course, I must pay tribute to the many subnational governments and IUCN Members that may have overcome considerable obstacles to be here today. Your presence is a testament to the notion that conservation cannot wait.

I have long believed that the efforts of cities and regions—subnational governments in the broadest sense—are central to the success of the global conservation agenda. IUCN’s vision of “a just world that values and conserves nature” cannot possibly be realised without their full and active cooperation.

COVID-19 has underscored the imperative to rebalance our relationship with nature. It is essential that nature’s contributions to people—disaster risk reduction, water and food security, health and wellbeing, to name a few—are properly recognised, valued and protected.

These are anxious days, but the winds of change bring hope and opportunity. I firmly believe that this public health crisis marks a turning point in our history and will pave the way towards a new era for conservation. Subnational governments can lead the way in delivering a nature-based recovery from the global pandemic.

Over the past 10 years, IUCN has actively engaged in projects and initiatives that promote the integration of nature in urban and regional development, often in close partnership with our Members, particularly ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. We have supported our Members to make their rich conservation knowledge, tools and best practices available to subnational governments.

Over the course of the Summit, we will hear about many exciting developments. One is the recently launched Contributions for Nature Platform Initiative. This digital platform allows IUCN members and other IUCN constituents to document where they are undertaking conservation and restoration actions in support of the IUCN programme. Another is the IUCN Urban Nature Index – a tool to help cities evaluate their ecological performance, set science-based targets for improvement and monitor progress.

Subnational governments are responsible for the development and implementation of laws, policies, and strategies with major implications for nature. There is now growing momentum for IUCN to partner with them in delivering conservation outcomes at scale.

To this end, we look forward to working with you to mobilise conservation knowledge, resources, commitments and actions. We stand ready to provide you with technical assistance and advice on how to work with nature in creating a resilient, just, sustainable and altogether more prosperous future. By aligning ourselves in common cause, we can more readily realise the promise of an ecological civilisation.

Thank you and I wish you all a productive, engaging and impactful Summit.