Speech of Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher at IUCN Local Action Summit

Speech of Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher at IUCN Local Action Summit

The IUCN Local Action Summit took place on 3 September 2021—the opening day of the IUCN World Conservation Congress—in Marseille, France. Leaders convened to showcase and galvanise conservation efforts in cities and regions, make the case for a nature-based recovery to COVID-19, and announce ambitious action pledges for nature. Here follows a transcript of the speech delivered by the Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome from Hamburg. Marseille and Hamburg have been sister cities for over 16 years, with much in common. We are large, merchant and port cities, our networks span the globe as international centers of business, science and culture. We work together on the challenges of the 21st century, such as digital change, urban mobility and climate protection. Cities like Hamburg and Marseille, have the expertise and the responsibility to advance global climate protection and conservation of nature.

Hamburg was awarded Green Capital of Europe. We want a sustainable urban ecosystem, with a high quality of life. And we have a comprehensive climate action plan with more than 400 concrete measures. Hamburg supports IUCN mission to achieve a just world that values and conserves nature.

I congratulate the City of Marseille on hosting this important conference and wish you all a successful IUCN Local Action Summit.