Oscar Mora Altamirano

Oscar Mora Altamirano

IUCN Subnational Government Member

Oscar Mora Altamirano is the Secretary General of the Curridabat Siglo XXI Party and current President of the Curridabat Municipal Council. He has promoted the canton’s recognition as a Bee Sanctuary and Gunpowder Sanctuary of Bees, Gunpowder Free, as well as promoting the elaboration of a Strategic Municipal Plan 2023-2027 whose main dimension is Nature.

The Municipality of Curridabat has designed a vision of development that is based on science and inspired by nature, called Curridabat Ciudad Dulce, inspired by pollinators as agents of prosperity. The strategy seeks to improve the real experience of the citizens and all the species that and of all the species that inhabit the territory.

As the first subnational government to join IUCN, Curridabat is a laboratory open to the world to build the necessary solutions to overcome the social, climatic, environmental and biodiversity crises, where the most significant indicator of social progress is Happiness and Well-being.