Supporting enabling policy reforms for nature-positive, healthier and resilient urban development is the objective of the project ‘Towards Resilient Cities in Guatemala: Addressing Biodiversity Loss and Recovery through Integrated Urban Planning and Development’ presented by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

With an investment of US$3,886,697 from the Integrated Sustainable Cities Programme from the eighth funding cycle of the Global Environment Facility (GEF-8), urban sustainability will be promoted in the Metropolitan Area of Guatemala City, in the municipalities of Amatitlán, Escuintla, Guatemala, Mixco, Petapa, Villa Canales and Villa Nueva; and in the City of Huehuetenango.
The project will support transformative change in urban systems by promoting integrated and inclusive planning, mobilising investments for the construction of mixed-use developments and transport infrastructure, and strengthening knowledge, good practices and capacity for sustainability. It will include the circular economy approach and the integration of Nature-based Solutions (NBS), as well as assessments of the value of natural capital, threats to species and options to mitigate them, and the benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
More information can be found here (Spanish article).