Emmanuel Nzegbule

Emmanuel Nzegbule


Emmanuel Nzegbule holds a doctorate degree and specializes in conservation ecology and environmental management. He has lectured in the University for many years. He works for the Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team (NEST) based in Ibadan, Nigeria as a Senior Research Fellow and Board member. He led the implementation of national climate change response projects such as the Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change (BNRCC) and Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) project.Through these projects, he successfully implemented urban renewal initiatives including greening work-spaces and restoring environmental health in urban settlements. He worked with several development partners and different tiers of government to actualize policy reforms for promoting community resilience, to enable nature-positive orientation and introduce green fiscal frameworks in Nigeria. He co-founded the Environmental and Social Change Foundation that works primarily on achieving community-level environment-friendliness. He has published many works on natural resources management, climate change solutions, and environmental governance. He is a fellow of the Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD), UK, a member of the Shalom Club and the Nigerian Environmental Society (NES).