Climate Justice for People and Nature

Climate Justice for People and Nature

The FEBA Urban EbA Working Group, coordinated by PlanAdapt and IUCN, has published the joint technical paper Climate Justice for People and Nature through Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A focus on the Global South. The paper explores the contribution of EbA to climate justice in cities, adds to the ongoing discussion on the different understandings of climate justice in the Global North and Global South, and presents case studies of urban EbA gathered via an online survey. Building on existing principles and criteria for EbA and Nature-based Solutions (NbS), the publication establishes seven EbA Social Principles: participation and inclusiveness, capacity building, fairness and equitability, integration of indigenous and local knowledge, livelihood improvement, gender consideration and appropriateness of scale. The paper envisions that the consideration and integration of the EbA Social Principles in the design, implementation and evaluation phases of urban EbA interventions will enhance EbA solutions’ contributions to distributive, procedural and recognitional justice. Alongside an analysis of 31 practical examples of urban EbA interventions, six in-depth case study narratives are further explored through multimedia StoryMaps. By analysing the surveyed case studies through the lens of the EbA Social Principles, this paper demonstrates the potential of EbA interventions to deliver climate-just outcomes for urban areas in the Global South.